Wednesday, November 18, 2009


**happy face**
  • 25th december CHRISTMAS (need i say more??)
  • 30th of december my sister and i are flying to NZ (south island) to vist are family over there
  • 11th of january (MY 16th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (there was sixteen exclamation marks in there btw)) my sister and i will be travelling from NZ to melbourne for INSANE!!!
  • 16th January we will be travelling back to perth

**sad face**

  • because i'm in NZ and at insane till the 16th and the bronze medallion course runs on the week around the 11th of January, i won't be requalifying me bronze medallion next year (in january anyway) it also means i won't ne seeing cameron (the extra hot hottie that's there every year)

**bored fae**

  • i'm in the library
  • i'm in english
  • i'm at school
  • beky's at my table reading a BIG book

The day the interschool got cancelled

Okay, so yesterday at contact we got told that the interschool sports carnival was cancelled due to 'severe weather warnings'. But com'on people! we live in albany, is there a single week where we don't have at least six days of raining skys. And today i'm sitting in the library at 12:55 staring at a computer screen (behind which is a window through which sun is shining) instead of being down at the athletics oval getting a tan and catching up with friends from ages past. Also the carnival was going to end at about two-ish so that meant i would get home about two hours early (the bus gets home at around 4) and since i have work at 4.30 that would give me about two hours tonight that i could use to study for my english exam. Truely speaking though i wouldn't have done it, I hate english and I'l take any excuse to get out of it. But now since i've only got about 25mins at home i'll probably just sit at the piano and practise this song called "For Good" that i'm playing at my sister's graduation. The musical the song comes from, 'Wicked', was the story of the Good Witch of the North and the Wicked Witch of the West from the story 'The Wizard of Oz'. They are enemies that become friends then split by social injustice they part with this song. (in 'The Wizard of Oz' they are protrayed as ultimate enemies, this musical makes you think differently about this).

SO... anyway, i'm upset about the interschool being cancelled. I wasn't really upset it being cancelled but the fact that all the stuff i had planned adn thought out had no chance of happenning. Today though i've done almost nothing in all my classes up till now, and even this really isn't classified as work seeing as it's only my thoughts (that everyone already knows) being typed up for everyone in the big 'world-wide-web' to read. haha :)
Next period though i've got to finish off my maths exam seeing as i didn't really get enough time to study for it (i was told on tuesday that i has my exam on wednesday, and i had thought it was on next tuesday).

well my brain's all out for the mo' bye guys, thnx for reading

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Okay, now I'm going to spell everything right and not use random spelling cheats. I'll start by saying that i really am having a hard time using my sore hand. Shelby is going through random facts for her blog and it's really funny the stupid facts that people can come up with. I'm also getting really upset everytime I go to type but it's really hard to type fast when you can only use one finger on my left hand. Okay now I really can't think of anything to write so I'm going now. Bye

science with sore hand

i'm in science right now but this time i'm typing real slow beczuse i'v torn my tendan in my left hand so yeah, this could be a short blog. shelby's bak too, she's been sick for ages but i think she's retarded bcoz she came bak on cross country day!! well it was half fun, me and bina came ninth...yeah and now we've got science then break when the canteen's not going to be open and last period where me and bina and katelyn have fitness, but katelyn was retarded this morning but i think she would bash me if i told you why so yeah...well i've gotta work tonight with corey and my hand's still sore so i won't have to do that much tonight, but also i'll have to take off the bandage and my hand's gonna hit heaps of stuff.
ok i can't really think of anything else to say so yeah...umm, vanessa's sitting on the other side of lauren today but sh'es not in my class but she's sharing the com room with us, i think she's doing something to do with space seeing as corey's interested, corey's a space gets annoying.
umm i really wanna go home now and go to bed, or watch a movie or tell someone else that doesn't already know that i'm GOING TO INSANE!!!!! ok i'm done, signing off (for now) byebye

Monday, August 10, 2009


well right now im' in science class and im' sure we're supposed to be doing something important but that's ok...i'm sitting next to bina who's singing rather badly but she hasn't noticed that i'm writing about her so it's all good...lauren's supposed to be sitting on the other side of me but some how she's disappeared. . . yeah well hopefully she'll be back soon. corey's being his usual loud self...bina's now singing jai ho! he's real bad...ok maybe i should actually talk about something interesting now.
today we had an assembly with the whole school, me and bek were supposed to be playing with the band but mr hainsworth forgot to tell us that bit so we just sat in the crowd until my sis hayley (yr 8) came to get us but beky left her flute in the health class and i had my euphomiun in the store room...we managed to get back before ms doohan finished her speech, but actually that's quite easy because ms doohan talks for ages about nothing. then we got through half the awards then we had to play a really dumb piece called baby elephant walk which sonds real bad...but that's ok coz it's onyl nashs. and then i got a s&e award and hey lauren's bak..ok and i also got announced as one of the principal's gold award because i only got As and Bs in my last semester report, and i can't really remember anything else..oh yeah also all that i've eaten today has been a piece of chocolate slice and an orange juice (and it's 1.30 so that's probably not a good thing) but i'm doing the forty hour famine not this saturday but the saturday after and i've also got an extra band practise on that saturday so i don't know how that's going to work out, but also at the forty hour famine our youth group is going to connect to a youth group in perth of which a couple of their people came to albs on the weekend and we made plans to connect via web-thingy so yeah that should be my weekend dot.. dot.... dot....... well ki met some real cool peoples and we played basketball and then we had tea and then we played games and then we had prizes and dessert and then i played a game of pool with isaac and i was winning but then i was laughing sooo much that i kept hitting the white ball over the edge and isaac had to shoot the black ball from a rebound but he never managed it then i finally hit the black ball but then he got it i lost, but then on sunday morning i had a rematch with isaac and got his msn (.....) but then dad turned up to take me and my older sis lana home so i didn't finsh the game, but in january i'm going to a youth conference in melbs called InSAne and he's giong to be there and i'm goin to kick his butt, but yeah InSAne starts on the 11th of Jan (MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!) and finishes on the 16th, so mum and dad booked our flights and now me and lana are GOING TO INSANE!!!!!!! yeah well not just ok it's great! wicked! awesome! FANTABULASTIC!!!!!! but yeah when we come back i've gotta requalify my bronze medallion for the THIRD TIME!!!! and see some extra HOT HOTTIES!!!!! AKA cameron!!!! but yeah well that's about it atm cya...chill guys i can't believe you just read all of that...or you just skipped top the end lol

Friday, July 24, 2009


well this is my first 'official' attempt at blogging...apparently writing a greeting message isn't good here goes...
for starters nothing interesting happens in my life but unlike martin i can find ways of dealing with it other than battling m&ms. most of you guys reading this are only reading this bcoz ms hill said that we need to write a comment on three peoples' blogs...well this doesn't need to be one of them!...and so if you're reading this then you know me well enough that there's really no point in me writing stuff...but ms hill's marking us on this and i've never failed english so . . . . . . i'm a multi-talented person of 15 years...i a range of any sport to a reasonable standard of not falling over...hmm...well i've got my bronze medallion (the surf/beach one) actually i've had it for two years now, and yes i did requalify for that proves i can swim...and save someone...but i'm not performing CPR on any of yous...bryce, i mean 'doug' can do it...unless you'd prefer ok...losing track here...where was i...oh yeah..wot i can do ...ummm...ahhh...grrrr..... i can't think of anything...ok different topic...i wear glasses bcoz i'm shortsighted (which means i can't see things far away) and i need new ones coz the ones i've got atm are broken and getting old...i've got a disease called osgood-schlatter in my left knee which is when something happens with the patella tendons and the quadriceps (blah blah blah) ... so i shouldn't really do sport but i like it so there...but it should go away when i stop growing. well that's all i can think of atm so...yeah

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

hi, how's ya'll goin..have fun cya l8er